BizWiz & M-B-A-nalyst - Quick Order Form FOR FASTEST SERVICE, FAX THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: (206) 525-1331 CalcTech Inc., P.O. Box 15277, Seattle, WA. 98115-0277 Phone number: (206) 527-9950 Credit card sales only: (800) 528-2215 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | Qty | Description | Price | Total | ==================================================================| | | BizWiz Financial Calculator | | | | | (includes "HP-12C Pocket Guide") | $29.95 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | M-B-A-nalyst Financial Calculator | | | | | (includes "M-B-A-nalyst User's Guide") | $29.95 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | SPECIAL OFFER! BizWiz & M-B-A-nalyst | | | | | (includes "HP-12C Pocket Guide" and | $49.95 | | | | "M-B-A-nalyst User's Guide") | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | "An Easy Course in Using the HP-12C" | | | | | by Grapevine Publications | $22.00 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shipping and Handling | $5.00 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | WA. state residents please add 8.2% sales tax | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | International AIR MAIL orders please add $5.00 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | TOTAL | | Disk preference: [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5" ----------- Name: _____________________________________________________________ Company (if applicable): __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (Check one): [ ] VISA [ ] Mastercard [ ] Check Enclosed Credit card #: ____________________________________________________ Expires: ____ / ____ Cardholder's Name (Please print): _________________________________ Cardholder's Signature: ___________________________________________